Welcome to the CalSO 1990 Staff page of the Timewarp website. Below you will find pictures, a staff list, and an image of the program agenda. If you have any pictures to add or corrections to submit, email us at nss@berkeley.edu.
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Staff List
Administrative Staff
Marty Takimoto, Michele Frasier, Jenne Mowry, Mandy Adolph
Louise Chow, Parent Program, Sandra Wong. Administration, Wes Montgomery, Transfer Programs, Brian Noble, Frosh Program, , Office Staff, Elizabeth Centeno, Angel Max Guerrero, Jean Chang
Andrea Anderson, Andrea Dubrow, Axel Shalson, Babak Nikravesh, Barbara Payne, Bruce Mah, Carisa Kluver, Cathleen Horner, Cathy Yang, Christopher Miner-Olivares, David Cohen, Ed Toman, Jean Rhim, Jennifer Gee, Jonathan Saw, Julie Feinstein, Kelly Brown, Mason Wong, Nicholas Gardella, Paul Magid, Peggy Chiu, Sandra Kim, Shara Miller, Shana Silverberg, Sheila Bradley, Steve Dexheimer, Sue Choi, Tina Gridiron, Trac Vu, Tristina Gridiron, Yumi Hosaka
None available (Please submit it if you have it.)