Welcome to the CalSO 1987 Staff page of the Timewarp website. Below you will find pictures, a staff list, and an image of the program agenda. If you have any pictures to add or corrections to submit, email us at nss@berkeley.edu.
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Staff List
Administrative Staff
Jack Light, Administrative Assistant, Susan ten Bosch, Administrative Assistant, Marty Takimoto, Director
David Díaz, Ilene Brenner, Jim Rusconi, Mark Gelsinger, Mary Gonzales
Andrew Chang, Cathy Ferreira, Cathy Ortiz, Charles Jackson, Claudia Viera, David Velasquez, Deanna Griffin, Della Kwock, Dennise Willett, Dineli Guawardena, Dionne Espinoza, Elizabeth Centeno, Eric Alderete, Eric Hruby, Estella Mejía, Franz Zerrudo, Greg Simon, Kevin Slavin, Lee Ann Wong, Lisa Fung, Marcos Beleche, Michael Gallin, Michelle Still, Paul Park, Richard Wong, Susan Carlton, Todd Greco Williams, Vandy Howell, Ward Jones
None available (Please submit if you have it.)