About Golden Bear Orientation
Golden Bear Orientation is the third phase of the Golden Bear Experience on campus Thursday, August 20th to Monday, August 25th, 2025. We believe there is more to your transition than just registering for classes and taking a tour of campus. GBO reflects the dynamic needs of incoming students and occurs over two days immediately before the start of your first semester. This gives you the chance to meet other new incoming students, build connections, and find community.
During GBO, new students are placed in groups with two Orientation Leaders, continuing UC Berkeley students, who guide their group through all kinds of events throughout the four day program. Some example events include community bonding, learning about affinity spaces, becoming familiar with resources on campus, and exploring the Bay Area. In these groups, new students are placed with other students who have a similar incoming status (transfer/first year) and housing experience (I.e., being placed in the same group as those dorming in the same building, those who commute to campus, those living off-campus, etc). This gives students the chance to meet other new incoming students, build connections, and find community. Check out the Fall 2025 Sample Schedule to see the variety of programs offered!
To ensure we are able to serve all students, some of the large-scale components of Golden Bear Orientation will be available to view online after orientation. Golden Bear Advising and Golden Bear Prep have always been online components, and will continue as planned.
For more information, or if you have concerns about attending GBO, costs, or other housing or financial aid questions, please review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and policies.